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Social Compliance Audits

In addition to social compliance audits, all of our products are tested by a 3rd party lab for prop 65 and CPSIA. Reports for all products are available on their product pages.

How does Pop! Promos approach social compliance?

We are dedicated to sourcing our products from manufacturers that are in compliance with local and national laws, respect the natural environment, treat their workers with fairness and respect, and keep their workers safe.  We strive to be a socially responsible supplier that promotes the safety and well-being of those who work so hard to help manufacture the products that we are so very proud to sell!

How does Pop! know that it's factories exemplify the above characteristics?

Someone from either our Philadelphia team or our Shanghai team is in each one of our factories at least 4 times per year.  We conduct our own evaluations and only work with factories with which we are comfortable placing our clients’ orders. During our evaluations, we look for things such as general fire safety, emergency preparedness, personal protective equipment, safe chemical storage, worker wage and attendance records, and more.

It’s great that Pop! is confident in its factory base, but have any of these factories been audited by a third party?

Yes, more than 85% of our product line can be sourced from factories that have passing third party audit reports from the past 12 months.  Please ask your sales rep for this list of products!

Why is that above number 85% and not 100%?

Due to the nature of the promotional product industry, we work with factories that produce small quantities on short timelines.  Because of this, these factories tend to be smaller and some don’t have the documentation and management systems necessary to pass third party audits.  These factories are still safe and the workers are treated fairly, but they just don’t have the proper documentation in place to meet the strict standards of a third-party audit. (For context, note that Pop! Promos’ office in Philadelphia would fail one of these audits because we don’t have a documented fire escape plan, regularly-conducted fire emergency drills, or a documented first aid plan!)

To what standard have Pop!’s factories been audited?

Facilities within our factory base have been audited to the following assortment of third-party standards: BSCI, SMETA 2-Pillar, and McDonalds.

Does Pop! Promos ever disclose copies of it's factories’ third party audit reports?

Pop! Promos stands behind the ethics of our manufacturing partners and is willing to issue signed letters detailing the audits conducted at our factories to distributors upon request.  To protect our intellectual property, all disclosure of factory-specific third-party audit information is at the sole discretion of the company president.