Silicone Bracelets

Our silicone bracelets are made from Pantone matched silicone. At one flat price, you can add as many add-ons as you like. Add glow in the dark silicone, glitter, a screenprint up to two colors, or more!

Production Time: 12 Working Days

Minimum Quantity: 1000

Setup Charge: $0

Rush Production Available: Yes

Delivery: FOB 19125

Colors: All colors of the pantone color chart are available


  • Pricing

  • inventory

  • COlors

  • Print & Position

  • Sizes

  • Production

  • Packaging

  • Downloads

Pricing (R)
Silicone Wristbands 1/2" - Two Color Screenprint0.750.65
Add Ons

Base Price Includes: Unlimited choices of the following options: Deboss/Emboos, Deboss with color fill screen-print up to 2 colors, glow in the dark, glitter, segmented band (up to 5 colors), Pantone matched silicone, individual polybag.

Preproduction sample: $100 (V) + 10 working days

*All quotes and pricing provided by Pop! Promos is valid for 30 days from quoted date. Past 30 days, please contact your Pop! Promos sales rep for confirmation or new pricing.


Pricing (R)
Silicone Wristbands 1/2" - Two Color Screenprint0.750.65
Add Ons

Base Price Includes: Unlimited choices of the following options: Deboss/Emboos, Deboss with color fill screen-print up to 2 colors, glow in the dark, glitter, segmented band (up to 5 colors), Pantone matched silicone, individual polybag.

Preproduction sample: $100 (V) + 10 working days

*All quotes and pricing provided by Pop! Promos is valid for 30 days from quoted date. Past 30 days, please contact your Pop! Promos sales rep for confirmation or new pricing.


All colors of the pantone color chart are available for the imprint of this product. To reference the Pantone color chart, please click here.

Print Type & Position

Imprint type: Deboss, emboss, deboss with color fill, screenprint

Imprint locations: Anywhere on the bracelet

Imprint sizes: Any size. All critical elements of your design needs to be kept 1mm away from the top and bottom of the bracelet.


In order to download an art template for the product, Check our downloads tab.


Our Silicone Bracelets measure 1/2″ H by 3 1/2″ W diameter.

Need a custom size? Please inquire with Pop!

Production Time

Production Time:

12 working days

All production times are FOB 19125.

*Not guaranteed for all order quantities. Please contact us to learn more.*



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